Quotes From "The Thin Executioner" By Darren Shan

A world without pain, loss, betrayal, hate, death, loneliness? Impossible! Darren Shan
I hope we meet again, " said Ramman."I do too, " Tel Hesani said, then added underneath his breath, "Although I fear it won't be in this world. Darren Shan
I won't die. I won't give those ghouls the pleasure. I'll live and grow strong. I'll escape, then hunt them down and make them suffer. Darren Shan
The pair smiled desperately at one another. And for the first time ever, despite the fact that everyone he knew - even the gods themselves - would condemn him for it, Jebel didn't think of Tel Hesani as a slave, but as an equal. Darren Shan
We cannot help where we are born or how we are raised, " Tel Hesani said. "But we can reject the twisted beliefs of those around us if we need to. Our loved ones and elders don't always know what is best. A man should listen to his heart and make his own decisions about what is wrong and what is right. Darren Shan